In 1994 a ceramic technician with an extensive experience decided to carry out his inquisitiveness into a new project. At that moment, the production lines of BALDOCER were activated and started to produce, with the support of an admirable team and loyal clients from the beginning.

Just over a year later, after multiply the production, BALDOCER expanded the facilities to many areas of the province of Castellón. It has been growing since then, and progresses with clear strategies attending all the markets (120 countries), with new production lines, new formats and new ceramic clays. The best quality and price with the latest design and technology.

Nowadays BALDOCER'S facilities, are supported by 450.000 sqm of industrial ground fully operational. Which turns us into one of the main firms in the ceramic industry in Castellon. BALDOCER, is not just the story of a man, but the history of a team made by exceptional workers, loyal clients and excellent suppliers.


1994年,一位經驗豐富的陶瓷技師決定把他的知識和求知欲投放到一個新項目,奠定了西班牙品牌Baldocer的創立基礎。 他隨即連同一支專業優秀的團隊,啟動了BALDOCER的生產線並開始生產。

從一開始便獲得一群忠誠客戶的支持,讓BALDOCER成立短短一年之後,開始增大產量,把生產設備擴展至卡斯特隆省的各個地區,期後一直以穩健的步伐和明確的策略面向全球市場發展。 BALDOCER研發新的生產技術及生產線、開拓新的產品規格和樣式、探索新的土胚材料,務求以優質的產品、創新的設計和技術、具競爭力的價格優勢領導市場,力臻完美。

時至今日,BALDOCER產品銷售至全球約120個國家 ; 位於西班牙卡斯特隆省的生產設施配套完善,合共佔地約45萬平方米。 如此規模,令BALDOCER在西班牙首屈一指的陶瓷岩板行業匯聚中心 - 卡斯特隆省之中,成為其中一間領頭公司。 BALDOCER -不僅僅是一個人的故事,更是一個團隊的歷史。 是由一群優秀而專業的員工、一眾勤奮、互信的供應商,和一位又一位忠誠又獨具慧眼的客戶,在西班牙以及全球陶瓷岩板行業中,共同編寫出的經歷。